As you might already know, XNA Game Studio Express 1.0 was released this Monday. I am really excited about all the opportunities this platform provides for casual and semi-serious gamers like me.
Please download and unzip the attached “game” (in quotes because it’s not exactly worth anything). The controls are fairly basic. Use the cursor keys to move the 3D ship in a 2D space. Press “R” to reset the ship back to its origin. As of now, it’s based on the XNA framework tutorial that comes with the GSE. It lacks basic exception handling.
I am excited! I am seriously thinking about starting a section or even a web site to chronicle my DirectX/XNA learning adventures.
To run the program, unzip the archive, and then doubleclick the MyFirstXna3dGame.exe file inside the “XNA Game” folder.
ADDENDUM: You’ll need to install the Microsoft XNA Framework Runtime to be able to run the program.